稲妻のように、電光石火のごとく[ように]、疾風迅雷のごとく、非常にすばやい、即座に、直ちに、たちまち、一瞬に、すぐに、アッという間に、間髪を入れずに◆【同】as quick as a flash [wink]
quick 1quick n. (つめの下の)生身; 急所. 【前置詞+】 He was wounded to the quick. (心が)深く傷ついた
lightning lightning n. 電光, 稲妻. 【動詞+】 Tall trees attract lightning. 高い木には稲妻が落ちやすい
as quick as thought lightning, flash as quick as thought lightning, flash ((やや古))ただちに,たちまち,すぐ. (P?ias?j qúick ?mswíft?n as thóught ?m((?a??))líghtning?C flásh?n
lightning lightning n. 電光, 稲妻. 【動詞+】 Tall trees attract lightning. 高い木には稲妻が落ちやすい The rod diverts lightning into the earth or sea. 避雷針は稲妻を地面または海へそらす. 【+動詞】 Lightning clove the pine tree in
be quick on be quíck on the trígger (1) 早射ちができる. (2) ((略式))動作[反応]が早い;抜け目がない(alert).
quick 1quick n. (つめの下の)生身; 急所. 【前置詞+】 He was wounded to the quick. (心が)深く傷ついた bite one's fingernails to the quick つめを生身のところまでかむ These words cut him to the quick. その言葉に彼はひどく傷ついた. 【+
once he put his hand to a complicated matter , he worked as quick as lightning , showing various skills according to circumstances .' 「一旦紛糾に処するとたちまち電光石火の働きを示し、機に臨み変に応じて縦横の手腕を振るう。」